Oh my …

by TerryLema

I had an appointment last Friday with my Rheumatologist. Just a standing three-month appointment. He is located in a neighboring town about 17 miles from our home. I decided to drive myself, but Bob came along for the ride – just in case.

We got into the building and took the elevator up to the third floor. As we walked into the lobby, there were about 20 young men, all extremely fit, sitting on the left side in rows. On the right side was my Rheumatologist’s office waiting room with one old lady on a walker (and then me with my cane).

I immediately wondered about the young men until I walked past them and saw the title of the office on the left – Sports Medicine.  That explained it.

The comparison – youth vs elderly – was striking. I was reminded how fast time seems to fly when we look back. The saying is true … “Days drag and years fly.”

Psalm 90 is a song of Moses. It speaks of the eternal nature of God and compares it with the frailty of man. One verse is probably recognizable to all of us. Verse 12: So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. [NKJV]

To “number” our days is an act of recognition of the vast difference between the Infinite God and finite humanity. The wise think continually about God’s existence and their purpose and accountability to Him. The wise continually pray for “a heart of wisdom” and are receptive to divine revelation/instruction. “Teach us” is the cry of their hearts.

We know that a heart of wisdom begins and ends with the fear of the Lord. This much is sure: it should make us value every day of our lives and spend each one in obedience to Him, and in such a way that it will count for eternity.

Teach us LORD. Amen!

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