
by TerryLema

When I got up Saturday morning the world around me was white! It had been snowing for a couple days and staying cold, so snow blanketed the ground, the road, the trees, and shrubs. Beautiful!  I do like the snow, especially when I can spend the day inside looking at it outside.

When I opened my computer to send out and post the devotions and check my email, my online local news source had this headline, “Ice Melt Selling Quickly as Snow Moves into the Region.”

My response was, “Really? That’s news?” When else would ice melt sell quickly? In July? There are times when I worry about the intelligence of people who decide what is newsworthy.

Well, I have something “newsworthy.”  It happened about 2000 years ago and is still relevant for today. God, who so loved the world, sent His Son to seek and save the lost. His Son, Christ Jesus our LORD brought Good News!

After John was arrested, Jesus went to Galilee, preaching the good news of God:The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe in the good news!’” [Mark 1:14-15 HCSB]

Good News! The Kingdom of God has come near!  The door to God’s Presence has been flung wide and all who accept God’s invitation of salvation, all those who repent and believe may now enter!  Peace has been restored. Everything has changed!

Now that’s newsworthy! Amen & Amen

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