Today at church we are looking at the second half of Psalm 103, which one commentator called the “Mount Everest” of praise psalms. This psalm is accredited to David. He begins with a command, “O my soul, bless the LORD [YHWH], and all that is within me bless His Holy Name.” [Christian Standard Bible]
I started a 4 ½ month temporary full-time job last Monday, complete with my old 60-mile-round-trip commute. After this first week, I’m very tired as I’m not yet used to the change of routine, the longer days (especially when I have prayer or Bible Study in the evening), and the stress of crazy freeway drivers. I know it’s going to take at least a few weeks to get in the swing of things.
Just before rising this morning that opening verse of Psalm 103 ran through my head. My immediate reaction was anything but enthusiastic. I remember when our grandson Carter was very little and was asked to pick up his toys. His response was, “Me too heaby [heavy].” I think that’s the way I felt this morning, “Me too heaby.”
Then I had to laugh at myself. I’m getting ready to head for church, get behind a pulpit and give a message on blessing the LORD with everything that is in us and I’m not in the mood to do that myself! Funny how God makes us live out our messages.
So, this morning, whether I’m “too heaby” or not, I’m blessing the LORD for all His benefits to us. I’m going to stand and worship during song service as long as I can, I’m going to praise His name out loud and raise my hands and clap and maybe even shout a bit about the marvelous God we serve. And only after blessing the LORD with all that is with me will I be able to encourage others to do the same, even on the days when they are “too heaby.”