Kings & Priests & Prophets

by TerryLema

Jeremiah 22:12-14: “Woe for the one who builds his palace through unrighteousness, his upper rooms through injustice, who makes his fellow man serve without pay and will not give him his wages, who says, ‘I will build myself a massive palace, with spacious upper rooms.’ He will cut windows in it, and it will be paneled with cedar and painted with vermilion.”


Woe is not a good word. It speaks of misery and calamity. In Jeremiah 22 and 23, God speaks “Woe” over three groups of people, kings, shepherds (priests) and prophets. The “Woe” is spoken because each group abused their power and authority over others.

The King built his wealth and power on the backs of his fellow man.

The shepherds destroyed and scattered the sheep.” [23:1]

The prophets havebecome evil, and their power is not rightly used because both prophet and priest are ungodly, even in My house I have found their evil.” [23:10-11]

God appointed leaders to protect, teach, guide, and care for His people. When they abused the power and authority given to them, God held them accountable. He spoke “woe” over those who misused their power.

God’s “Woe” is not reserved for ancient times. It is just as alive and active today as it was then. When leaders, whether political, or religious, or social abuse their power, they will be held accountable. We may not see it happen in our lifetime, but we need never worry that God turns a blind eye to those who take advantage of His people.

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