Highway to the Danger Zone

by TerryLema

In May 1986, a movie was released that became a modern-day classic.  The story line was a bit unbelievable. The young actors would never be invited to play Hamlet (but girls sure swooned over the volleyball scene!).  Recently a sequel to this movie was released. This time there was no beach volleyball scene, but a football one instead.

The dialogue in both is a bit ordinary, but the soundtrack in both is captivating. Most people who hear the song, “Highway to the Danger Zone,” immediately think of that movie from 1986 “Top Gun,” and now the sequel “Top Gun, Maverick.”

May I be so bold as to suggest that when we step out in faith with God, we embark on the true “highway to the danger zone.”  It’s risky to be fully submitted to God and moving in the power of the Spirit. Too many of us want a faith that is safe, one we can put in a box of our own making.  We want a comfortable God, but our God is neither safe, nor contained.  And often He’s not very comfortable either. Ask Moses, or Joshua, or David, or Jeremiah, or Peter, James, John, or Paul how safe and comfortable it is to serve God.

At any moment, the Spirit of God can ask you to do something that is very uncomfortable.  He might send you somewhere you never wanted to go.  He might ask you to speak up when you are trying to remain unnoticed. He might ask you to give more than you planned.

Paul gave a description of his experiences in the “danger zone in 2 Corinthians 11:23-33.  Daniel described his in Daniel 6.  If you get a chance, read those passages today; they are an interesting contrast. Daniel escaped unscratched; Paul was scarred by 195 lashes.  Yet, each stood firm in their faith.  I am sure that each would admit that being fully submitted to God is a wonderful, exciting, “danger zone” adventure.

Father, lead us on this adventure by Your Holy Spirit.  Move us out of our comfort zone and into the “danger zone” of dynamic faith and the power of Your Spirit.  We don’t want to be comfortable … we want to be alive!  Amen.

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