Someone asked me once what my greatest fear of growing old would be. I replied, “becoming irrelevant.” I want to be useful to God while I have breath. I do chuckle, however, because I’ve come to realize that I will remain useful –even if it is only to give others an opportunity to practice patience with old folks!
When Paul wrote his second letter to Timothy, he reminded him that the LORD knows those who are His own. He also reminded Timothy that anyone who confesses the LORD Jesus as Savior must acknowledge the Savior as LORD by turning away from wickedness. [2:19]
When we acknowledge Jesus as Savior and LORD, with both our words and actions, Paul says we will then “be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.” [2:21]
That is a most delightful image … “useful to the Master.”
Useful. In the Greek the word is euchrestos, it means “easily used, profitable.” It comes from a root word which means “useful in manners or morals.”
To think that the God of all the Universe, the Creator of all things, the Mighty God, would look upon us as useful is amazing. Even more that we could be considered profitable to Him Who is Totally Self-Sufficient!
As I said earlier, I want to be useful to God as long as I have breath remaining! That means that I must not only confess that Christ Jesus is Savior and LORD, but I must also turn from sin and live holy and wholly unto Him.