I’m Old!

by TerryLema

I have been blessed to have some great doctors through the years. I had my primary physician for almost 20 years before she retired. She referred me to an internist that she had heard was very good.

My new doctor is from a Slavic nation and has the cutest accent. She is probably in her late 30’s, blond, bubbly, and very compassionate. She is also the same kind of physician I had before in that she listens and engages me in the discussion of my care. Not all do that!

The other day I had my 3-month checkup and a lot had changed since the last one. I found out I do not have adrenal insufficiency (thank you LORD), am off steroids, and the high blood pressure meds. She asked me if any of the auto-immune disease (PMR) pain had returned and I said, “No, just the normal old age things.”

She threw her head back and laughed, then said, “Usually I am the one that needs to remind people they are old! You already know!”

My turn to laugh. It would really be difficult to not know that I am old. The face in the mirror with the wrinkles, the knees that predict the weather three days before the weather man, the cane, hearing aids and white hair all tell me, “You’re old!”

But … my God, my precious Lord, has given a promise. It is a promise He made to the descendants of Jacob, but it is also a promise to all those who love Him …. “I have cared for you since you were born. Yes, I carried you before you were born. I will be your God throughout your lifetime—until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.”  [Isaiah 46:3b-4 NLT]


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