My Favorite Title

by TerryLema

I was talking with someone recently about titles. The world is hung up on titles and rankings, but I do not think the LORD is overly impressed by titles. I also do not think that when we get to the rewards ceremony in heaven that God is going to rank us by our titles. I think His criteria for rewards is very different.

“Whatever your hands find to do, do with all your strength.” “Whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” [Ecclesiastes 9:10, Colossians 3:17 HCSB]

That said, I admit to having a favorite title. I was in a traditional denomination when first saved staying there for nearly six years until it became apparent that I needed to leave. That meant taking my children out of that church’s school and finding another place for them.

I found Trinity Christian Schools and the principal there was kind enough to make room. I was so grateful to them that I asked God to use me in any way that would serve them. I told the principal that I wanted to help.

The school had no cafeteria. The principal asked if I could figure out a way to provide the kids with lunch once a week, using only the tiny faculty room and mini-kitchen. I ended up doing “Hot-dog Thursday’s.” I cooked hot dogs for hundreds of kids, brought chips and drinks, and brought in home-made cookies and cupcakes for dessert. Every Thursday lunch, with the help of some of the moms, we served the kids.

I got to hug and bless lots of children as they came through the line. And when they saw me in church on Sundays, they would come running to get another hug from the “Hot-Dog Lady!”

To this day, it is that “title” that I cherish the most.

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