What’s in a Name …

by TerryLema

I was able to go on a Worship Walk the other day. Not the three miles I used to do, but long enough that it ministered to my soul. As I listened to my music I was touched by the song, “Your Name.” (Link below)

What is in a name?  As Christians, we speak the name of Jesus with great love and respect. We acknowledge that our salvation is “in the name of Jesus.”

Acts 4:12: “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people, and we must be saved by it.” [HCSB]

We must, however, realize that there is nothing magical in those five letters … J E S U S. All power for salvation given to the name of Jesus is found in the Person of Jesus.

We trust the Risen Christ Jesus, the one who came to us from God the Father, who lived His life among us in the flesh. He lived that perfect life and then offered it on the cross on our behalf, for our sins and the sins of all who would place their trust in Him. He rose again to bring us eternal life and to destroy any barriers to that life. Had he not rose from the dead, we would not even know His name.

The power for salvation comes from true faith in who Jesus is and what He did for us.

Where there is no faith, no relationship, or no submission to His lordship, the name Jesus is nothing but a word.





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