We Will Not Fear

by TerryLema

This morning I retreated. I heard health news from a couple of friends that rocked me yesterday.

I read that churches in California have been barred from singing, although many still are singing their praises to God. (No telling what ramifications there will be for breaking that directive.)

The COVID-19 cases in our county are increasing rapidly and there is the threat that the Governor, local government, or health district will take action to move us back a stage.

Overnight, so much changed, so, I retreated. I retreated to Psalm 46.  It begins this way, “God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble.” [CSB]

 When trouble abounds, the LORD God Almighty is our refuge and strength.  He is “always found” in times of trouble. As the NKJV says, He is an “ever-present help in the time of trouble.”

 How do we survive the troubles that accompany this life?  The only way I know to not just survive, but joyfully thrive amid the troubles is by retreating into the loving arms of Almighty God. When I reach out to Him, I find that He is always right there with me – ever present – and watching over me, ready to take my hand and guide me through.

I am not able to sufficiently answer to everyone’s satisfaction the “why” to that age-old question, “Why do bad things happen to good people.” But I am reassured that when bad things do happen, God is my refuge. God is my strength. God is my helper. God is always with me, in good times and in times of trouble.

Amen and Amen.

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