The Love of Christ

by TerryLema

It was late evening, too early for bed but too late to start anything. Bob was watching another of his westerns on television. Usually I can just tune it out, but not this night. So, I moved into the bonus room. This is my quiet room. Bob seldom goes in there because he’s not comfortable on that couch or chair.

As I sat there thinking about whether to listen to music or watch a video, I was suddenly alive with the awareness of how much God loves me.  I hadn’t done anything. I wasn’t praising or worshipping. I wasn’t reading my Bible. I admit I wasn’t even thinking about God.

I was just sitting there in the quiet and God suddenly wrapped His arms of love around me, and I knew that I knew my Father was “hugging His child.”

This morning, I was reading Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3 in the New Living Testament and came to a dead stop at verses 18-19.

“And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully.” [Ephesians 3:18-19 NLT]

“May you experience the love of Christ….” Other translations say to “know the love of Christ.”

That word translated as “know” or “experience” means “to know, especially through personal experience.”

I am never going to understand why God loves me. As Paul says, “it is too great to understand fully,” but the other night in that quiet room, God allowed me to know (experience) the love of Christ in a way that I can barely explain. PTL

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