Spiritual Health

by TerryLema

My California kids gave me a Fitbit for my birthday. I love it. I had another cheaper brand that tracked my steps and such, but this Fitbit watch does it all, steps, exercise, heartbeat, tells me who is on the phone, shows me my email, etc.

I like to walk and get my steps in each day. That has been difficult to do in recent months because of my physical condition (and to a certain extend the mismanagement of it by a specialist.) Now I am back on meds and while I have not returned to my “old self” from last year at this time, I am increasing the distance in my almost daily walks and in my daily step count. That means I watch my Fitbit a lot each day to see how I am doing.

The other day I noticed that my step count was increasing even though I was not up walking. I was sitting in my rocker reading. Apparently, if I hold my arm a certain way, my Fitbit registers steps when all I am doing is sitting and rocking. What a delightfully easy way to get my step count up! Except, that does not do anything good for my body. It just looks good on the outside record.

Ah, LORD, are you trying to tell me something? What am I most concerned about – my outside appearance to others or the inside spiritual condition of my heart before you?

Too often we care more about how others see us than we do about what our LORD sees in our hearts. When that happens, it is good to pray David’s prayer and let God do His work in us—even though that work demands we get up and move with Him. We cannot “sit and rock” our way into spiritual health.

Ps 19:14: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.”

 Amen & Amen.

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