Songs in the Night …

by TerryLema

It is the near the end of August. So far this month, at least where we are in Idaho I have not seen much improvement of the trials and disappointments 2020 has broadcast into all our lives. The fear-and-virus pandemic is still raging in many areas. Schools, colleges, sports, employment, social life is still in a state of disorder. Life and living are still threatened in many ways.

And yet, I have spent most of this month being refreshed by the LORD God Almighty. I have spent time in His green pastures by His still waters. My soul has been renewed.

“The Lord will send His faithful love by day; His song will be with me in the night— a prayer to the God of my life.” [Psalm 42:8 HCSB]

This morning I could rewrite that verse … “The Lord [has sent] His faithful love by day; His song [has been] with me in the night— a prayer to the God of my life.”

I have spent nearly a month thinking about green pastures, still waters, renewal, and restoration at the feet of our LORD and Master, Christ Jesus. I have beheld his faithful love and my mind has been filled with songs throughout the night. It has been a good time.

I have once again drawn close to my Gentle Good Shepherd and basked in His care. He has reassured me that between us all is well. Nothing around me has really changed much in this month, but inside me things have. My focus, my gaze has returned to where it should be, on Him.

Beloved, I pray you too have found renewal and restoration in those green pastures beside the still waters. I pray you have found renewed courage and commitment to our God. Amen.

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