Something for Nothing!

by TerryLema

“Something for Nothing!” is the battle cry of many flooding the streets and cities in our nation today. They want it all, but they do not want to wait for it nor work for it. They cannot understand (nor do they want to) that the something (really the everything) they demand must be paid for by others. They are usurping the hard work, time, and energy of others.

Unfortunately, that attitude also seeks to invade the church.

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth.” [2 Timothy 2:15 CSB]

The “something for nothing” battle cry in the streets is often reflected in the way we attend church on Sunday. We come looking for the coffee and fellowship, without our swords (Word of God), and expect the persons on the stage to give us what we need. The worship team leads us, and the preacher feeds us, because we certainly have not been diligent to do any of that on our own.

That is not, however, God’s way. His way is that every worker is to “present themselves” to Him as a diligent worker, one who never needs to be ashamed, one who can teach the word of truth. We are not to expect someone else to do our worship (and then invite us to join them) or study the Word of God meticulously so they can spoon feed us.

Christian growth is not a spectator sport. It is teamwork, where each member of the team works to contribute in worship, praise and in study and sharing of the Word of God. Let us get back to the way God desires.

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