Signs Everywhere

by TerryLema

Everyone has a sign. They hold them up religiously during protests and gatherings. They know that everyone also has a camera and if their sign is right on or raunchy enough, someone is going to take a picture and it will end up on some form of media.

I have seen a lot of hideous signs and graffiti with the recent rioting and looting and anarchy in our street, but I saw a sign posted on social media recently that I cannot get out of my mind. It was held by a man with a smug look on his face. As I read it, I could literally feel my stomach churn and my chest get heavy. It read: “When Jesus comes back, kill him again.”

I cannot describe how difficult it was to write those words just now. I can still see the haughty look on that man’s face. My immediate reaction was to ask God for judgment. I wanted to see the look on his face when Jesus does come back in might and power. I wanted to see how arrogant he would be when he is made to kneel before the King of Kings and LORD of Lords.

Then, I realized that was not the attitude Jesus would have. He sorrowed over the Rich Young Ruler who rejected Him. When He hung on that cross, He forgave those who crucified Him. He restored Peter who denied Him. He called Paul, the one who persecuted the beginning church (the one who might have held a sign up like this man) and turned him into the greatest Apostle-missionary of all time. Jesus would have prayed, likely is praying, for this man’s soul.

These are the signs of the times, beloved. There is much hatred for our LORD in this world, and that hatred seeks to wound or destroy all those who place their faith in Christ Jesus as LORD. But we cannot let it damage our hearts nor twist us into something we are not to be. We must forgive, we must intercede for the lost.

We must be like our Savior and King. He was compassionate to the lost, comforting to the hurting. He spoke truth. He forgave. Yes, there is coming a time when He will also distribute justice and judgment, but beloved, He does not call us to judge our world, He calls us to offer hope and to intercede for the lost and to forgive as He forgave. Justice and judgment are in His Hands.

“They will give an account to the one [Christ Jesus] who stands ready to judge the living and the dead.”  [1 Peter 4:5]


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