Our Good Shepherd …

by TerryLema

I am seeking the care of my Shepherd today, looking for those green pastures and quiet waters He promises the weary and worn. What better place to find Him than in John 10, the chapter about our “Good Shepherd?”

Jesus says three things in that chapter that make my heart rejoice, but first he reminds us that He alone is the doorway to the sheepfold. There is no confusion, no uncertainty, no debate. We enter through Him, He is “the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father but through Him.” [John 10:7, 14:6]

But then Jesus goes on and tells his disciples what we will have when we enter His sheepfold. First, we have life, but not just any life – abundant life. When we enter that sheepfold, we give up death. It must relinquish its hold upon us because Jesus has made us alive in Him. [v10]

Not only do we have life, abundant life, but we have the assurance and the security that our “Good Shepherd” lays down His life for His sheep. No foe can harm us. We may face opposition in this life, we may even be taken from this life by the wickedness and evil around us, but we go straight to the loving arms of our Father God because God’s Son, Christ Jesus our LORD, gave His life on that cross for us. [v11]

The third thing Jesus reminds His disciples is that He knows His own sheep (and they know His voice). He knows us! He does not just know about us, or lump us all together in a group, or see us all the same. He knows us individually, our deepest needs, regrets, desires and wants. He knows our voice when we call out to Him and responds to us so that we grow to recognize His voice. [v14]

Ah, beloved, what a wonderful green pasture by a quiet stream to rest in today. Think about the Shepherd who opened the door, laid His life down for us, protects us, and speaks words of love, grace, and mercy to us.

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