Open Doors

by TerryLema

The Way has opened its doors. We are trying our best to follow the guidelines set up for gatherings. It was an important decision to open, one that we did not take lightly nor without considering the issues with this current virus-and-fear pandemic. But open the doors, we did, on Mother’s Day. As part of that opening I made the announcement that our doors will stay open.

That was also not an easy decision to make. What if there is a spike? What if people we love come down with the virus? What if the Governor of Idaho changes his mind and decides that churches are to close once again? We had to consider those things as well as the exhortation we so often quote in Hebrews 10:25: “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing”

Right now, the state and local governments are issuing directives or orders. At present, they are not laws which carry penalties for breaking them. The reasoning behind these directives and orders is to stem the spread of a virus, but as we all know, the enemy of our soul wants nothing better than to stem the spread of the Gospel. He will use this pandemic (and anything else) to try to do so.

The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States cannot be clearer: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

This may seem like a political post, but it is not meant to be. As Christians, Christ has set us free. We are free from sin and bondage and free to worship our LORD and Savior. That is a freedom our founding fathers cherished.

The heroes who founded our nation fought for the right to exercise their faith freely. They passed that right on to us by enshrining it in the Constitution, but we would do well to remember that rights and privileges can be overruled and one day might even disappear. Let us guard well our freedom to gather as Believers in Christ openly and often.

If you are afraid to visit a church, or if you are vulnerable or sick, there are many online opportunities to worship, but for those of us who can, and want to, let us not give up meeting together. It is vital that we don’t lose the national freedoms purchased for us by our founding fathers. And let’s be very aware how vital it is we don’t lose the freedoms Christ purchased for us also. Be strong and courageous beloved.

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