
by TerryLema

Saturday morning Bob went fishing. He needed to go fishing. He needed to get away for a bit. I needed him to go fishing. It has been a long couple months for both of us! The house was quiet, the sun had come up and was beginning to shine through the living room windows. I was just sitting peacefully in my rocker thinking about what it must have been like for Joshua as he stood by the Jordan River ready to enter the Promised Land.

His mentor, Moses, was dead. He had been appointed by God to lead a few million people who had grown up in the wilderness, only one of whom (Caleb) had seen the marvelous work of God in the Exodus from Egypt. What thoughts were running through his mind at that moment?

I know what my thoughts would have been … “God, are you crazy? Me? You want me to lead this mob without the help and guidance of Moses? What are You thinking?” I guess that why God chose Joshua and not me.

Yet, I think Joshua might have been a bit nervous about his undertaking because three times in the opening chapter of the Book of Joshua, the LORD tells Joshua to “Be strong and courageous!” [vs 6, 7, 9]

Joshua had no idea what the next few years held for him. He did not know if the battles would be easy or extreme. He could not see into the future. He could only trust that the LORD who commanded him to be strong would be the LORD who would walk with him through each one.

Paul commanded believers to also be strong and courageous. “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be [people] of courage; be strong.” [1 Cor 16:13]

Like Joshua, we have no idea what the next few years might hold for us. We do not know if the battles will be easy or extreme. We cannot see the future. We can only trust that the LORD will walk through each one with us.

Be strong, beloved, and courageous!

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