We live in a severely divided country. It seems so different from what I remember in my younger days. Then we all seemed to be “middle of the road,” with a few far right and far left views. In my voting record, I voted for people in both political parties over the years.
Now it appears we must choose a political side, left or right, and the middle ground has disappeared. If we acknowledge we lean right or left, the other side does not view us as simply someone with a different political view, we are viewed as an enemy, one to be taken down with threats, profanity, and other tactics. The “kingdom” of our country is a mess and I do not see it getting better, only worse. It may be that new “normal” to which we must adjust. I truly hope not.
Of course, this “kingdom” is not my home. My citizenship is bound first to a different King and kingdom. I am a child of God and my allegiance is to my LORD and Savior. I am a citizen of the Kingdom of God. My worldview is His worldview. My vote is influenced by His principles and holy standards. My loyalty is to my God and King to do as He bids. And that surely has marvelous benefits.
“For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.” [Romans 14:17 HCSB]
The Kingdom of God is full of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Joy! I am not sure who first put the words together before it was made into a simple little song, but no matter how simple the words or the song might be, they speak a profound truth for every Christian. That is …
“Joy is the flag flown high from the castle of my heart when the King is in residence there.”