I will …

by TerryLema

I was reading Psalm 138 this morning. It is a beautiful song of thanksgiving. It opens simply. “I will give You thanks with all my heart; I will sing Your praise before the heavenly beings. I will bow down toward Your holy temple and give thanks to Your name for Your constant love and truth.” [Psalm 138:1-2 HCSB]

I will. So much of what we do as human beings begins with those two little words—I will. What follows those two little words often determines not just how we live our lives each day (I will stop for groceries, I will go for that job promotion, I will call my friend), but also determines the focus of our lives as a whole.

This song reminds us that the atmosphere of our hearts is to be thanksgiving to the LORD. “I will give you [LORD] thanks with all my heart.”

I will do that by singing in the presence of heavenly hosts. I will do that by bowing down in worship. I will do that because your love and truth are constantly with me.

But the psalmist does not stop there. He finds many more reasons to bring his thanksgiving to the LORD. In verse 3, he says he called on the LORD who answered him with increased strength within. In verse 7, the psalmist says even when he walks in danger, the LORD will preserve his life and save him. Then in verse 8, he reminds himself that the LORD will not abandon him but will “fulfill His purpose” for him.

There has been a lot in 2020 that has perhaps driven thanksgiving away from our hearts. Uncertainty in so many areas is thriving, and desperation is hovering for many around the edges of their lives. No matter what is happening now, however, it does not change the truth that God will fulfill His purpose in us – and for that we can, and should be, eternally grateful to Him.

“I will give you [LORD] thanks with all my heart.” Amen.

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