He Will Not Be Thwarted!

by TerryLema

The fourth church that Jesus speaks to in Revelation 2 is the church at Thyatira. I love the opening description of Jesus, Thus says the Son of God, the one whose eyes are like a fiery flame and whose feet are like fine bronze.”  [v18]

In some translations, Thyatira is labeled the corrupt church. This church had progressed beyond just compromising, they were tolerating idolatry and sexual immorality. They did not just turn “a blind eye,” they were abiding with the impure and perverse.

The image Jesus gives them of himself speaks volumes. He has “eyes like a fiery flame” and “feet like fine bronze.”

Fire speaks of refinement and holiness, purging out the dross and leaving only the pure. Bronze represents God’s judgment against sinners. The bronze altar was a key element of the tabernacle in the wilderness as well as in the temple.  It was the place where the Israelites sacrificed animals to atone for their sins. This was where the blood was shed, and the sinner was pardoned. No matter how good a person was, without the shedding of blood there was no forgiveness.

When we assign to Jesus the title “Lamb of God” this is what we mean. No animal sacrifice could permanently take care of the sin and death issues, so God sent His Lamb, His Son, to die for us as our blood sacrifice. This same Jesus now has promised to present His Church without spot or wrinkle. He has promised that she will be a bride who is holy and blameless. [Ephesians 5:10]

He is not afraid to drive out the corruption and evil that threatens His bride. The picture of Him in the message to the church at Thyatira reminds us that “our God is a consuming fire!” He will not be thwarted. [Isaiah 33:14, Hebrews 12:29]

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