He Listens

by TerryLema

My primary doctor has spoiled me over the years by listening to me. She allows me to tell her what is on my mind. She asks intelligent questions. She then includes me in her responses and in my care plan. I never leave her office without knowing what she is thinking and what I should do.

So, last September when she sent me to a specialist that did not listen to me, I became extremely frustrated. After three visits in nine months I had had enough. My primary sent me for a second opinion to another specialist (one who was not taking new patients). She hoped he would at least review my file.

Instead his office called and scheduled an appointment. He spent one hour with me last Monday. He listened. He asked intelligent questions. He included me in my care plan. I left knowing I was treated with kindness, compassion, and respect by someone who knew what was going wrong in my body and wanted to care for it.

Being listened to is extremely important. We want people to listen to us, and we want to know that they hear what is important to us. That is why I find Psalm 10:17 so wonderful. “You hear, O LORD, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry.”

The LORD of all Creation listens to us and He hears us! He knows our desires even better than we know them. He sees our afflictions and attends to us. He encourages us with His love and compassion. The first specialist I had was too busy or too unconcerned to hear me … but the Almighty God who sustains all things is never too busy to listen, nor too unconcerned to hear us.

If that does not amaze you, I am not sure what will!

Thank you, LORD, for hearing our cry. Amen.

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