God’s Favor …

by TerryLema

Yesterday was our last day in 2 Chronicles 7:14, a call to God’s people for repentance and turning back to Him. It is not always easy to admit we need to humble ourselves, pray and seek His Face and turn from our wicked ways, but it has a glorious result if we do.

“Sing to Yahweh, you His faithful ones, and praise His holy name. For His anger lasts only a moment, but His favor, a lifetime. Weeping may spend the night, but there is joy in the morning.” [Psalm 30:4-5: HCSB]

If we spend our nights weeping before Him in godly sorrow for our sins (both individually and corporately), a new dawn breaks – that dawn brings joy and God’s favor.

God promises that His anger is only momentary, and we know it is designed to bring renewal and restoration not punishment. When we respond correctly to His anger with godly sorrow and repentance, joy abounds. Then His favor descends.

God’s favor. Grace. I live in God’s grace. I must. It is the only thing that gives me strength for each day. I know that on my own, without the grace of God each day, I will not survive this world with its temptations and allure. Without God’s grace each day, my old sin nature will rise and dominate. Without God’s grace each day, I will not have either the desire or the power to live for Him.

But I do not worry that God will take His grace from me. I am promised that His favor, His grace, will be with me for a lifetime. It will be there on the other side of those nights of weeping and sorrow, abounding with joy, ready to envelope me in His love.

Oh LORD, how GRACIOUS and COMPASSIONATE Your LOVE is to us! Amen.

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