God is Not Silent …

by TerryLema

Micah 6:8: “Mankind, He has told you what is good and what it is the Lord requires of you: to act justly, to love faithfulness, and to walk humbly with your God.” [HCSB]

I came across that verse last Monday afternoon. It is a well-known verse. I have seen it quoted often. I have heard messages on it and even preached messages on it myself. It made me consider a few things once again.

First, God is not – never has been – silent about what He expects of His creation. He has told us what is good, and He has been consistent in reminding us what is required of us. He did it in the Old Testament, and He repeated Himself through His Son in the New Testament.

It is clear. We are to act justly. We are to love faithfulness, or as the NKJV translates, we are to love mercy. We are to walk humbly with our God.

We are to act justly. As disciples of Christ Jesus, we are to act toward and treat all rightly, honorably, fairly, and honestly. Not always easy, but when have the commands of obedience from our God ever been easy! There are many in this life who have not been treated honorably or fairly. We can place whatever terminology on it we want, but the church must never be in the business of treating people dishonorably or unjustly.

We are to be a people who love faithfulness and mercy. Love it, act upon it, reflect it, give it. We know God always treats us faithfully and that His mercies are new to us every morning, but do we treat others the same way? Are we faithful to them? Are the mercies we have for them new every morning?

Last of all, we are to walk humbly with our God. If we strive to do the first two commands, we will find out just how difficult they are – then it is easy to walk humbly with our God!  There can be no arrogance, no pride, when we discover just how far removed we are from perfect obedience to a perfect, holy, wonderful, faithful, just God.

Amen & Amen

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