Fulfill the Law of Christ …

by TerryLema

I am overwhelmed this morning with the goodness of God. How often we say, “God is good.” When we say that someone often provides the response, “All the Time.”  Yes, “All the Time,” our “God is good!”

God is so good all the time that we often grow insensitive to it. We fail to recognize the goodness of God daily; we also fail to thank Him for it.

I woke up in the middle of the night overwhelmed by God’s goodness, this time in a particular area of my life. I have carried a burden … not anything to do with ministry or health … and one not shared with anyone else. This was one of those unexpressed burdens deep in my heart. It often rose to make its presence known, trying to steal my peace. I found it draining my soul of joy and making my way just a little more difficult.

Then suddenly, God brought someone with an answer and just … like … that … the burden was shifted from my shoulders to those of another willing and able to carry it. My worry was replaced with relief, the joy returned, and I took a deep breath of freedom for the first time in years.

As I thought about those things in the middle of the night, I wept and thanked God. I thanked God for His goodness, and I thanked God for the one who conveyed that goodness to me.

“Hallelujah! Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His faithful love endures forever.” [Psalm 106:1 HCSB]

“Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” [Galatians 6:2 HCSB]

Thank you, Father God. Bless all those who willingly convey Your goodness to us. Amen.


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