Earthen Vessels

by TerryLema

Yesterday I had the amazing privilege of praying with a small group of Boise pastors, young men that I have come to appreciate and love. As we prayed, I was reminded of something that happened about a decade ago. I have probably told you this story before, but I need to tell it again this morning – as I told it yesterday to these young men.

My grandson and I attended a new exhibit at the Boise Art Museum. The artist was a glass blower who made vases, jugs, jars in all different shapes and sizes. Each vase was lighted, each one different, each one “decorated” with a lovely scene. Many were woodland scenes with tall trees, brilliant skies, flowers, and animals. I thought the scenes were painted on.

Then I watched the film as the artist created them. He fired the glass, molding each one individually, some small, some large, some in between, all differently shaped. Then he rolled them in pigment and fired each color individually, layer upon layer upon layer of colors.

But it was the final touch that has stayed with me. He put a light into each one. He took scoring knives, some wide bladed, some small and pointy and he began to “score” the vases. One swipe here that revealed a blue, another smaller revealed greens or reds or yellows. He continued to work, cutting through each pigment color until he exposed the color he wanted – and as he did so, the light in the vase became more brilliant, and a beautiful picture became visible.

As I watched I was overwhelmed remembering the verse, “We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” [2 Cor 4:7]

I am retelling this story today because of two things. First, the verses that follow that verse have meaning for the church today. (“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” [vs8-9])

Secondly, I sense that the LORD is doing a little “scoring” in pastors and needs to do a little “scoring” in me. I am going to be offline for the next 7-10 days so that I may give Him time to do so as I pray and seek His wisdom.

God bless you all and see you in about a week!

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