Coffee & Conversation

by TerryLema

A Boise church recently posted a question on Facebook.  “If you could have coffee with one person from the Bible, of course other than Jesus, who would you choose and why?

There were some great answers along with some great reasons for choices.  It took me about a half minute to make my choice, Mary of Bethany.

“Mary (of Bethany) was the one who anointed the Lord with fragrant oil and wiped His feet with her hair.” [John 11:2 HCSB]

I have always wanted to talk to her. I want to know how long the fragrant oil remained in her hair after she dried the feet of Jesus with her hair. I want to know what it was like to sit at His feet, how she felt about the things He was teaching, what was it like to be the “woman” in that room among all those men He called His disciples. What was it like during those three days when all thought He was gone forever?

I have three good longtime friends. We have been friends since the 80’s. We all lived in California, now one is in Utah and the other in Montana, while I am in Idaho. I miss talking with them. We connect by phone, but it is not the same as sitting for hours together over coffee talking about the LORD and all His wonders. (And sometimes even singing songs of praise and worship together.)

I know that one day the three of us will gather around God’s heavenly throne and we will see Jesus together. We will sing and praise His Holy Name throughout eternity. Maybe Mary of Bethany will join us! In the meantime, I still miss the coffee and conversation and long to spend time with them at the Feet of Jesus here and now.

Ever wonder how you would answer that question?

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