Arguments Abound

by TerryLema

When was the last time you had a good fight? I mean a real good debate-style dispute. I am not talking about the nasty, in-your-face hate-filled posts that you often see where “I am right and everyone else can just shut up.”  I am talking about the type of disagreements where both sides present their views and we learn and grow from the thoughts and views of others.

And specifically, I am talking about a good dispute with yourself.  Kind of like the ones found in the psalms. “Why am I so depressed? Why this turmoil within me? Put your hope in God, for I will still praise Him, my Savior and my God.”  [Psalm 42:5 HCSB]

Paul in 2 Corinthians 10 reminds us to engage in good arguments.  “The weapons of our warfare are not worldly, but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds. We demolish arguments and every high-minded thing that is raised up against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive to obey Christ.” [vs 4-5 HCSB]

Every now and again, more often probably than we know, our old sin nature decides to go for a walk in our minds. Prompted by the enemy of our soul, that old nature demands that we focus on everything that is wrong, our fears, our anxieties, our troubles. When those things capture our attention, they capture everything and demand to sit over our souls as rulers and kings.

That is when we must recognize the tactic and start a good argument. The psalmist was depressed. He was in turmoil. His old sin nature was demanding that become the focus of his life. Instead, he began to argue with himself. “What are you doing focusing on what is wrong? Your hope is in God, He is your Savior and Your LORD, and He will keep you in the palm of His hand. Stop it!”

What was the first thing you started thinking about this morning – all the things that are wrong with your life?  Or did you have a good argument with yourself (and remember our minds are the battlefields in our lives), and put your focus and attention on Christ Jesus, Almighty God, your Savior and King?

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