
by TerryLema

How do we go from being like the church at Pergamos, the compromising church, to the church that God intends us to be? How do we live our lives differently from the culture around us?

We cannot do it without the power of the Holy Spirit in us … and in our churches. (As Christians, we should not be living in a way that looks exactly like people who do not have the Holy Spirit living in them.) If we are going to live abundant and supernatural lives as God has called us to, then we must live those lives in the power of His Spirit. He alone can give us the power to be separate from the world. And, it is evident, that the world does notice those who live differently from them.

I remember shortly after I was saved that someone made the comment, “The Holy Spirit is a gentleman.” I was a bit baffled by that originally but came to understand that what they meant was that the Holy Spirit will only go where He is invited. He will not break down the doors of our resistance by force. He will woo, He will remind, He will lead us into godly sorrow, but He will not push His way into our hearts.

1 Thessalonians 1:5 reminds us that the Gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, in the Holy Spirit and with full assurance.”

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is more than words. It is more than great teachings or insightful philosophies. It is alive and powerful, and used by the Holy Spirit to make us like our Savior. It is The Spirit’s assurance of not only our salvation but also of our sanctification – if we allow Him to work His work in us.

I do not want to be part of the compromising church. I do not want even one iota of compromise in me. I ask God’s Spirit to convict me, cleanse me, and make we like the One Who Died for Me! Amen & Amen.

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