The Voice of a Great Multitude Singing

by TerryLema

One last thought today on the part of Jesus’ prayer that reminds us to pray, “Your Kingdom Come.” It is a simple thought. “The LORD God Omnipotent Reigns!”

Yes, we are to be praying for God’s Kingdom to come. We looked at that two-part focus. First, that God’s Kingdom takes up residence within us. That it changes us from the inside out, giving credence to our testimony that God is our Father. Second, we look every day for the return of our Savior and King, Christ Jesus. Our prayer is to be, Amen. Even so, come LORD Jesus.”

Let us not, however, fall into the mistaken belief that God is waiting off somewhere to assume the Throne and Reign over all. That has never been the issue. Our God is on the Throne today, as He has been since eternity past and will be into eternity future. There is no argument, there is no challenge to His reign that will succeed. He rules over what He created. Man may not like the idea. Man may fight against His reign. But that changes naught. Our God is still on the Throne.

One of the greatest tributes to the reign of God is the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah. Once cannot listen to that chorus without sensing just a smidgen of what it must be like to hear those words sung in the heavenlies. Handel used the words from Revelation 19:6: “And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings, saying, ‘Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns!’” [NKJV]

If you are worried about a virus today – let me remind you, “The LORD God Omnipotent Reigns!”

If you are worried about finances or employment today – let me remind you, “The LORD God Omnipotent Reigns!”

If you are worried about this country’s future today – let me remind you, “The LORD God Omnipotent Reigns!”

If you are just worried today – let me remind you, “The LORD God Omnipotent Reigns!”

Take a moment and revive your soul – listen to possibly the greatest piece of music ever written:

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