Well, today is a double whammy day for me. I do not care for Halloween. I am more than thankful when the orange and black decorations come down and the horrible images in people’s yards disappear for another year. I am more than thankful when the wonderful red and green, gold and silver decorations of Christmas appear. I love October weather, but hate the Halloween season. I dislike seeing our children wearing the darkness. I will endure today, the first whammy, because tomorrow we enter the Thanksgiving season.
The second whammy today is that we change our clocks once again tonight. My body has a wonderfully precise inner clock. I can set a timer for an hour when cooking – and without checking it – be back at my oven within 2 minutes of it going off. Of course, that means this whole Daylight-Saving Time is a challenge as my body adjusts, and it does not matter if we are losing or gaining an hour. It is going to take weeks to get back on schedule.
So, double whammy day. Because it is a double whammy day, I plan on thinking on those things Paul outlined at the end of his letter to the Philippians. “Finally beloved …” he begins … “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise—dwell on these things.” [Philippians 4:8 HCSB]
Today I want my thoughts captivated by things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, morally excellent, and praiseworthy. I might have to search a bit to find those things around me in this world, but I know that if I just turn my attention to my LORD, my Precious Savior Christ Jesus, I will find every one of them on display.
We also do well when we not only think on those beautiful qualities of our LORD, but also model them to others.
So, today, let us not only think about them … let us show them to everyone we meet. God Bless!