I suppose the last words spoken by someone anticipating death are important. There are many works written about the last words of famous people. Some words are profound and some are awful and depressing. Paul in what is considered his last letter wrote these words to Timothy. “Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead.” [2 Tim 2:8 NIV]
Remember! That was the theme of my devotions and messages this past holy season. Remember Gethsemane, and the sorrow our LORD endured as He contemplated the cup He must drink, a sorrow so strong He felt He might die.
Remember the six trials and the mockery, the spittle, the beatings, the crown of thorns and the rejection by His own people.
Remember Silent Saturday … imagine what was going on in the heavenlies. Were heavenly choirs singing “Sunday’s Coming!”?
Remember Resurrection Sunday. The grave could not hold Him. John 20 tells us that Jesus suddenly, miraculously, appeared among His frightened disciples and brought them the very things they needed most. And what He brought to them are also the very things we need most! PEACE. PRESENCE. PURPOSE. POWER.
The celebrations of these holy events are disappearing in some circles in American Christianity. We can’t let that happen. We must remember …. “Remember Jesus Christ, Him crucified, and raised from the dead!” [1 Cor 2:2, 2 Tim 2:8]
That is our only hope.