I’ve been studying Joshua and Jericho for the current Sunday morning messages at church. I began by reading the Scriptures and then reading what commentators wrote about this passage. I wanted to find out more about the walls around Jericho, so I hit the internet. That can often be an iffy proposition because you don’t know just what credentials someone has when they post something. But I thought there were probably some archeological articles I could access.
I wasn’t too specific when I began the search so what I got were numerous Bible Stories about Joshua and Jericho for children. It took refining my search multiple times to get what I would call “adult” information.
Odd how so many of the miraculous works of God in Scripture have been reduced to Bible Stories for children. I understand the need for children to learn about Scripture in a format that matches their abilities to learn. And I understand the need to educate our children about God and His awesome power, but it is also vitally important for adults to understand that the power of God is very real and has been on display since the beginning of time.
Down through the ages, our Mighty God, the Omnipotent LORD has invited us to “come and see” and learn as we do. When John the Baptist was imprisoned by King Herod, he sent his disciples to Jesus to ask Him, “Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect another.” [Luke 7]
Jesus responded, “Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor.”
“Come and see” what God does, and then go tell others “that’s our Mighty All-Powerful God!