Ah, God is SO good! I had just finished writing yesterday’s devotion centered on God’s answer to Paul’s prayer in 2 Corinthians 12:8-10 when I opened my Bible Study program and saw my Daily Devotion. Can you guess what it was?
“For my strength is made perfect in weakness.” –-2 Corinthians 12:9
Now some might call that “coincidence,” but I call it “confirmation.” It was a gentle reminder from my Father God not to fuss about all that’s happening, but simply to rest in His grace and strength for this moment. He’s got it all in His Hands.
When I served as a Hospice Chaplain, I met many people who were living in their worst nightmares. Sometimes it was the shock of a diagnosis for themselves, or maybe for a family member. Sometimes it was the grief that followed a loss. A question that always seemed to come up was the simple one-word question, “Why?” I came to understand that “Why?” is not really a question, it is a cry of pain.
As such, I would always gently remind people to take that question to God—but always with a caveat. Seek God, ask “Why?” but put it before Him this way. “God, please answer my ‘why?’ question or take away my need to ask it.”
God seldom answered why, but He seemed to always take away the need to ask. Either way is a win.
This morning, God has reaffirmed to me that I am to praise Him and thank Him and glory in Him no matter what my circumstances are. I don’t need to ask “Why?” He’s taken that away. I just need to know that His strength and grace are enough for all my needs. Thank you Father.