As I was folding clothes this morning (a job that can be accomplished with little thought), I heard in my heart, “I am God in heaven, you are on earth, let your words be few.”
I recognized that was from a verse in Ecclesiastes. “Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.” [5:2 NIV]
It wasn’t hard to understand that my LORD wants me to quiet my soul before Him. Bottom line, I need to listen more. That’s not easy with all the chatter around (much of it self-generated).
Even when I pray, it is usually me doing all the talking. I know we are to not be anxious about anything but put all our needs and requests before God in prayer. But at some point, after doing that, we must quiet our soul and listen for Him to speak.
God is telling me that the noise of the world has infiltrated my soul. It is time now to be quiet, to let my words be few, and listen to His still small voice.