
by TerryLema

It is that time of year again. This is what I call “Yuck Saturday.” It is the day we have to turn our clocks for Daylight Saving Time. We lose an hour of sleep tonight. I will be out of sorts tomorrow because I have one of those internal clocks that can time my response to something in my oven down to less than 60 seconds.

It will take me nearly a month to readjust to the time. And since I am a morning person, who goes to bed by 9 PM, flipping that clock ahead one hour puts the sunshine where I do not want it and takes it away from where I do (the morning).

And to be honest, how does adjusting a clock on the wall save daylight? We will get the same hours and minutes of daylight whatever the clock says! I wish they would pick a time and leave it. Eventually I will get used to it.

Now that I have had my yearly tirade … I admit that resetting those clocks to spring forward and fall back remind me about our future found in Revelation 20.

One day we will live in that eternal city. That “city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.” [vs 23 HCSB]

Those who will abide in that eternal light are “only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.” [vs 27]

Got your name written?

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