As we arrived last Saturday to the Gallo Center for the Arts in Modesto to see our grandson play Will Parker in the musical “Oklahoma,” a woman arrived about the same time. She came by bike, settled herself on the corner outside the center and began to sing. She had a strong, clear voice and sang songs I remember singing in my twenties.
After the performance inside, she was still performing outside. We said our goodbyes to family and started to walk to the parking garage. I felt God drawing me toward her and I pulled some money out of my wallet. As I walked toward her, she called out, “are you heading toward me?” I said, “Yes, I am.” Then she responded, “well, I’ll head toward you.”
As we closed the distance, I realized she was not as young as she first appeared, in fact, closer to my age. I also realized life had not been kind to her. I slipped her the money and opened my arms to her. We stood on the corner as I hugged her, and she hugged back. She was thin, I could feel her bones, but still there was a light in her eyes. I told her “you take care!” and hugged her again. She gave me one last hug and said that she would.
I don’t know what kind of choices she made in life, or perhaps what kind of choices were made for her that she found herself on a Saturday night in downtown Modesto singing for donations outside a performing arts center. With her voice, she possibly could have been singing inside.
I know I felt God’s love for her. We stood there, two old women, one black, one white, strangers, hugging and blessing each other on a street corner. She blessed me for the little bit of money I gave her. I blessed her for reminding me that there are real people behind Jesus’ command, “whatever you do for the least of these…you do for me.” [Matt 25:40, paraphrased]