Will you miss your day of visitation?

by TerryLema

Today is Palm Sunday, the day the church celebrates the Triumphal Entry of Christ into Jerusalem and the beginning of Holy Week. This is one of the few events recorded by all four Gospel writers.  (Read Luke 19:28-44)

Luke records three parts to this event. First, this was the first time Jesus not only allowed, but even instituted a public declaration of who He was. This was necessary to fulfill the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9 to acknowledge Israel’s King. It was also to force the hand of the religious leaders who wanted to wait until after the Passover before arresting and bringing Jesus to trial. Jesus knew that God the Father had ordained that His Son, the Lamb of God, be sacrificed on the Passover, not after.

The second thing Luke records is that the rocks will acknowledge Him as King even if the people will not. All creation is waiting, Paul reminds us in Romans 8, for the sons of God to be revealed. Creation recognizes its Creator, even when mankind doesn’t!

Perhaps the most profound thing Luke records is number three – Jesus lamenting over the city of Jerusalem “because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.”  [v44 NIV]

They missed the “day of their visitation.” They missed their King. Unfortunately, we are not much different than Israel—we too have the capacity to miss our day of “God coming to [us].” We have heard the contemporary prophecies that a great revival is on the horizon. I believe that to be true. I also believe that if we aren’t watching and willing, we will miss it.

It’s our choice whether Jesus rejoices over us, or whether He weeps.

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