Why Wait?

by TerryLema

It was 107 degrees in Caldwell last Friday. In the morning, I opened the windows and slider to cool the house down before the outside temperature rose. Then I shut everything to keep it as cool as possible. Around 5 PM I noticed the house was getting warmer than it should. Then I noticed the air conditioner wasn’t running. Checked breaker—no problem there, but the air conditioner was just sitting quietly still while the house got warmer and warmer.

Saturday morning, we still didn’t know what was wrong with it except that it was not running. We anticipated finding air conditioner service companies when it is 107 degrees in August would mean a long wait to get someone to check it out. So, I was left with my thoughts…

“It’s going to be hot at least through the next ten days. That means I’m going to be miserable and grumpy. It’s going to cost a fortune if it needs replacing. I’m going to be miserable and grumpy and broke. We’ve invested in a kitchen repair this year and two surgeries. The dryer is also making sounds that say it’s going on the fritz, now the air conditioner. Maybe it’s time to sell!”

 And while I had all those anxious/grumpy thoughts, I was also reminded that, “You, O LORD, are exalted forever.” [Psalm 92:8]

Our God reigns. These temporary problems are just that—temporary. Our LORD is eternally exalted. And one day we will stand before His throne and with the saints of all the ages, alongside the heavenly angelic choirs, we will sing: “Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory.” [Rev 19:6-7 NKJV]

If I am going to be glad and rejoice and give God glory then, I will be glad and rejoice and give God glory now! The LORD GOD OMNIPOTENT REIGNS. HALLELUJAH!

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