Why Are You a Christian?

by TerryLema

Have you ever been asked why you are a Christian? I have, many times. Looking back, I know what brought me to God in the beginning, 51 years ago. I was miserable, in pain, confused, hopeless. The circumstances in my life demanded a change.

What I thought I needed was comfort and peace and security and a host of other things – things that only God can truly and securely provide. But if I could have gotten those things without getting God, I would have done so. Unfortunately (or FORTUNATELY) you can’t get what God provides without getting God Himself. It’s a package deal.

And as part of that package, we must come face to face with ourselves – just as Peter did in the courtyard of the high priest when Jesus was arrested and Peter denied his LORD three time … and what Isaiah did when he saw the LORD high and lifted up and found himself undone … and as David did when he cried out to God “Against you, and you alone, have I sinned; I have done what is evil in your sight.” [Psalm 51:4 NLT]

For us to remain strong and steady with God across the years takes more than the initial things that drove us to God in the beginning.  Somewhere, sometime in our walk, we must see God’s justice as it relates to us and understand what we truly deserve.

Only then can we truly appreciate God’s grace that is granted to us.

Only then will we look past the “gifts” and see with awesome wonder the Glorious Giver of All Things.

Only then will we bow down in worship before Him not expecting anything in return.

He is Enough!

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