Who Told Manaen?

by TerryLema

Acts 13:1:  In the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen (who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch) and Saul. [NIV]

Whoa! Wait! What? Manaen, a boyhood companion of Herod the Tetrarch? This is the same Herod who executed John the Baptizer.  It is the same Herod who ridiculed and mocked Jesus just prior to the crucifixion. [Mark 6, Luke 23]

Ever wonder how Manaen went from being a playmate and friend of a vicious ruler to becoming a prophet and teacher of Jesus Christ in the church at Antioch?

I have my own ideas. Maybe Manaen heard John the Baptizer in his many command appearances before Herod after he was arrested. Maybe he listened as John told about the Messiah who was then walking among the people. Maybe he heard John’s appeal to repent, and while they fell on deaf ears with Herod, they did not with him. Maybe he was even there when Herod and his soldiers mocked this Jesus he had heard about from John.

Whatever happened, whoever testified, be it John the Baptizer or another, Manaen heard the Good News and responded to the love of God. He became a prophet/teacher in the church at Antioch. I am always amazed that the church is comprised of so many different people from so many different walks of life. The one thing we have in common, God called, and all responded to the gracious gift of love and grace.

I can’t wait to get to heaven and ask Manaen how he heard of Christ’s salvation!


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