We had a little extra time on Wednesday when we drove from Reno to Modesto midday. Bob also had a gift card in his pocket for Bass Pro Shop so we stopped at one in Loomis before we got to Sacramento. Walking around the store we met a clerk and began talking with her. She asked where we were from and we told her Idaho, but that we had lived in California from the early 1960’s to 1993 when we moved. She asked about Idaho.
I remember two of her comments, “Oh, so they don’t tell you when and how much you can water your gardens?” And her next, “Oh, so the state doesn’t decide where you can ride your bike?” Nope, at least not yet. She and others we spoke with were having a hard time with what they labeled “California Craziness.” Yep.
California is what happens when we put our trust in human leaders, in “Princes” we think are going to give us everything we need to make heaven on earth. And to be fair, craziness is not indigenous to California; it’s happening all over this nation – even in Idaho. California just gets the headlines.
The Bible warns us quite clearly, in many places, just where we are to place our trust and it is not in man or in princes. Ps 118:8-9: It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes. [NIV]
Ps 146:3: Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save. [NIV]
Isa 40:23: [The LORD God] brings princes to naught and reduces the rulers of this world to nothing. [NIV]
(Oh, and just a side note, I got a nice new cast iron skillet with Bob’s gift card! That worked out very well!)