Ah, where to start at the beginning of a new year? Today, of course, is just another day. Football, both college and pros are wrapping up the previous year with playoff games in the next couple weeks. It’s a new tax year, that deserves a big “yippee” and who knows how the new tax laws are going to affect us. I started a new sermon series yesterday on “Godly Principles – Beliefs Impact Behavior.” That seemed a good place to begin a new year’s study at church.
But how to begin a new year. Just before years end I got an email from a business trying to sell me something I probably don’t need. The subject line read … “How to Stop the Aging Process.”
Well, maybe that is something I need; however, I doubt they have discovered the secret to stopping the aging process altogether.
I know I can fight the aging process. I may be able to postpone it by eating right and exercising. I can get cosmetic surgery to make me look like I’ve halted the aging process. I could lie about my age. But those are only stop-gap measures. The aging process came in with the curse on mankind because of sin and it will remain in place until sin is banished completely. Then upon Christ’s return, with our newly resurrected bodies, we will at last understand what it means to be completely ageless.
Rev 21:4: “There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” [NIV]
Thank you, Lord, for the giving of eternal life. Thank you for the promise that one day our bodies will experience what our spirits now enjoy. Oh Father, I long for that great and final “new year!” Amen.