House prices are skyrocketing in our area, so are rentals, apartments, condos, etc. There are subdivisions going in everywhere (but most of the homes are large, fancy and priced out of range for many). Many families cannot find affordable homes. We know a family that is right now being forced to leave their affordable rental by the end of the month so the owner can fix it up and sell it. They cannot find any place available that they can afford.
Bob and I on fixed incomes are also finding it difficult to keep up. As the value of our home rises more each year, so do the taxes and insurance. Last year’s 2 percent “increase” for social security netted $2 less for me, $1 more for Bob as our Medicare premiums rose and gobbled up all the increase.
We have talked about selling the house while prices are high, but where would we live afterwards? Apartments are just as expensive and even more scarce. While it is bad in our area, it is even worse in others. The America dream is rapidly becoming the America nightmare for a lot of people.
The values in our country have certainly changed. It seems we have become a culture of greed and covetousness. While we are wanting more and demanding more, we have lost sight of what used to be this country’s greatest asset … its people. Wealth is not what is important, people are.
Jesus told us to be careful about what we treasure. He was clear in Luke 12: “Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” [v 33-34 NIV]
As Christians, our treasure and our rewards are not of this world. It is what we do unto the Lord for others that matters. “Where is your treasure?”