When You Have …

by TerryLema

I wrote this last Thursday while awaiting a scheduled 4-hour adrenal function test on Monday March 4. I am hoping to have the results by the time this devotion is posted, but right now all I have are the side effects and symptoms.

I hurt (everywhere), I am exhausted, I am nauseous. I guess that sums it up physically. Add in a little frustration with some circumstances and difficulties outside my control, and it is a recipe for tears and frustration. Maybe a little self-pity too?

So, of course, the LORD, who knows my every way put this in my email inbox. “Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth. My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever.” [Psalm 73:25-26 NLT]

This is another one of those questions that only have one right answer. “Whom have I in heaven but you?”

God is the strength of my heart. The LORD is mine forever. Everything around me and inside me might grow weak or fail, but God remains strong on my behalf.

Augusten Burroughs said: “When you have your health, you have everything. When you do not have your health, nothing else matters at all.”

Oh, Mr. Burroughs, I strongly disagree. So strongly do I disagree that I am revising this statement.

“When you have Christ Jesus the LORD, you have everything. When you do not have Him, nothing else matters at all.”


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