I woke up Labor Day morning at 3 AM with questions swirling in my mind. Those thoughts centered around our Holy, Untamable, All-Powerful God.
When was the last time you faced the God of Moses and came away from that experience with your face reflecting His Glory?
When did you meet the God of Elijah who first brought an earthquake, fire and wind to command your attention for His still small voice?
When was the last time you entered the presence of the God of Isaiah and found such holiness that you were unraveled in your humanity?
When was the last time you fell as dead before the God of Daniel and had to be revived before you could hear God’s answer to prayer?
Now lest you are thinking, that’s the Old Testament God and we now serve the New Testament gentle Christ Jesus who allowed children to climb on His lap. Let me remind you of the gentle Christ Jesus who calmed the raging storm and sea with a word and left His disciples more “terrified” of Him than of the storm. [Mark 4:35-41]
And remember John the Beloved, the one who reclined beside Jesus during the Last Supper? Remember his response when He saw the glorified Jesus holding the keys of death and Hades in Revelation 1, “I fell at his feet as though dead.”
We serve a holy, untamable, unexplainable, mighty LORD. He is majestic, powerful, dangerous. We should be breathless in His Presence, awestruck by His Majesty, undone when faced with His Holiness. If we are not?