When I Remember

by TerryLema

It was hot when we went to bed last night, and hot when we got up this morning.  I am so looking forward to autumn, my favorite time of the year. I love the days where I run neither the A/C nor the heater, days when I can leave windows open all day and feel the crisp, cool breeze flow in.

There is something about fall aromas which bring back childhood memories, playing in the leaf piles, catching fireflies in the evenings, riding bikes with neighborhood friends.

Memories.  Amazing what can trigger them.  I remember the first winter after we moved to Idaho following decades in sunny California.  I went outside and it was snowing!  The fragrance in the air, the snow on my face, suddenly I was a little girl back in Pennsylvania trying to catch snowflakes on my tongue.  Must have looked quite silly in my work clothes and heels!

I remember buying Jergens hand lotion … again after decades … and suddenly that original almond-cheery lotion had me in the arms of my Aunt Dee, long since gone home to be with the Lord. Aunt Dee was the one woman in my childhood who was stable and whose love I never doubted.   Memories.

Paul often spoke in his letters of remembering people, and almost always tied that to his prayers for them.  He wrote to Philemon, “I always thank my God when I mention you in my prayers.”  [Verse 4 HCSB]

The Lord will remind us of people for which He wants us to pray.  And sometimes He reminds us of people, like my Aunt Dee, who have moved from this life into His presence.  Then I am reminded to be thankful that I was so blessed to have them in my life.  Memories.


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