What We Live For

by TerryLema

Last Sunday Pastor Jerrod brought a message out of Psalm 91. He titled it “The Secret Place,” drawn from the first verse. “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” [NKJV]

The message was full of truth as Pastor Jerrod took verse by verse, pointing out so many wonderful promises of God to those who “dwell” in God’s protection. The church rang with “Amens!” so it must have been something we all needed.

He said one thing that ministered to me. We have a purpose—to love and be loved by God. That is what we were created for.

Among all the wonderful truths and promises pointed out, I think that stood out the most Sunday morning because of what I had heard just an hour before. Bob had on a news broadcast before we left for church. One story was about an actor who died this week. It ended with the actor saying, “Acting was my life.”

The second story was an interview with another personality. He said several times that “woodworking is my life.”

If we were asked what our life is all about, I wonder how we would respond. I was reminded this morning that this life is truly about one thing – to love and be loved by God. To dwell in that “secret place” of the Most High.


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