What Do You Hear?

by TerryLema

My husband loves to watch the news in the morning when he gets up. He starts with the local news and then goes to one of those national talk shows that begins with hard news and then merges into soft news about celebrities and events, fashion, food, etc. He is only content with that for a little while and then he heads to a national news broadcast.

That broadcast is nothing but negative hard reports. Even when someone being interviewed by the host might turn to something positive or something that disagrees with the host’s view, the host immediately turns it back to the negative. When Bob turns on that broadcast, I have to leave the room, or I become really irritated. That broadcast drains me.

This morning one of my daily verses was Proverbs 16:24: Pleasant words are a honeycomb: sweet to the taste and health to the body. [HCSB]

I read that just as Bob turned on that third morning news broadcast and I realized why I become annoyed every time I hear it … there are no pleasant words.

Pleasant positive words are sweet to us and bring health and strength to our body. Constant negativity saps our strength and drains our reserves.

God is the most positive Being in our lives. His words to us are always pleasant, sweet, and healthy. Even when He disciplines us, He does it to bring health to our souls.

When we let negativity invade our minds, wills and emotions, no matter the source, we are weakened. We are less able to deal with the complexities of life.

The world is filled with unpleasant words, let’s make sure our focus is not on them but on the pleasant words that flow from the heart of God toward us!

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