I opened my online newsfeed Monday morning and the first headline I saw asked me “What were the stars wearing?” at some gala event. If that was the first time I read that headline this year, I might have been vaguely interested. But it wasn’t the first gala event or award show where “stars” were wearing outfits that cost tens of thousands of dollars (and ones that they’ll probably never wear again). It wasn’t even the fourth or fifth time that headline has appeared. I had to ask myself, are people really interested in what “stars” wear? I also had to ask myself, “who are these people?” I don’t even recognize the names of “stars” anymore, and I haven’t yet figured out just what they are “stars” of!
I do know lots of stars, however, and what they wear. You’ll find them in regular clothes in classrooms, in uniforms and white coats in hospitals and medical centers. You’ll find them in common clothes and workplaces, factories, and service areas. Some care for children and the sick and the elderly. They leave each day and work long hours. And they are not paid anything near what they are worth. Yes, I know a lot of stars.
And I will even go so far as to remind true Christians what Paul wrote about them. I am talking about those true Christians who live the Gospel no matter what the cost, whose actions match the words of Christ Jesus. Paul said of them that they are “blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which [they] shine like stars in the universe as [they] hold out the word of life.” [Phil 2:15-16]
And I even know what these “stars” are wearing. Jesus described them as “clothed in white garments.” [Rev 3:5]
I guess I can answer what the headline asked me this morning, “What were the stars wearing?” They are wearing glistening garments of white as they stand in the greatest gala of all – the Marriage Supper of the Lamb! Can’t wait to see that headline someday!